
Airline Aviation


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71.4K+ Downloads

Zibo Mod B737-800X

This is the Zibo mod Version for X Plane 12 . It is the complete aircraft up to and including the version mentioned. PLEASE NOTE that you also have to read the "changelogs" at the bottom of this main post to see the changes and...


This is the Zibo mod Version for X Plane 12 . 
It is the complete aircraft up to and including the version mentioned. 

PLEASE NOTE that you also have to read the "changelogs" at the bottom of this main post to see the changes and REQUIREMENTS
. No one can help YOU if YOU do not read and follow the instructions correctly!

!!! The latest X Plane version is required to run this new version of the Zibo mod !!!

By special permission from Lubos and by arrangement with x-plane.to, I will use this platform to distribute the Zibo mod as a complete aircraft and update it on a weekly basis if an update/fix was released  during that week. You are welcome to download it and then patch it on your side if you want to update it yourself or you can wait for the update when I pubish the next complete version here.

This is the same files as in our Google drives or on the Torrents.
The only difference is the update interval and that this file actually includes all previous updates/fixes already included up to the time that it is published. Press the question mark (?) on the EFB to see the version that you have!

New Fresh Installation:
1) Open the Zip file 
2) Extract the B737-800X folder directly into your X-Plane 12\Aircraft folder

Updating an exisiting Zibo mod Installation:
Before you start, please check the version of the Zibo mod that you have BEFORE you accidentally downgrade your model!
- Find your version by pressing the question mark in the top right hand corner of the EFB then follow the instructions below.

1) Please make a backup of your preferences files as well as any other files that you might have customized such as X-RAAS or any of the default liveries's cfg files before proceding to update the Zibo mod with this download.
All default Zibo mod files will be overwritten during the update process!
2) Open the Zip file 
3) Extract the B737-800X folder directly into your X-Plane 12\Aircraft folder. Over write all the files when prompted
4) Copy your backup files back into position

My full, official Zibo mod install guide for XP12 can be downloaded here https://bit.ly/3SXpvS4
Zibo Install Guide & Training Checklist

Official Support for the Zibo mod: DO NOT ASK FOR SUPPORT HERE, ON THIS PAGE
(Please read the pinned posts first to orientate yourself towards specific subthreads)
1) The Zibo Mod Support Forum - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/forum/384-zibo-b738-800-modified/
2) The Zibo Mod, XP12 Early Access, Spesific thread on the Zibo forum - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/271942-zibo-b737-800-modified-in-x-plane-12/&

Additional Resources:
1) Our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/ps6gKTJ
2) The Zibo Pilot's Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/zibopilots
3) My YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/Skymatix1
This is also where we showcase the latest news related to the Zibo mod and publish official tutorials we make together + have fun doing group flights etc.

Direct Donations to Zibo:

Zibo Zibo mod
Lansarea inițială
October 08, 2022
Ultima actualizare
7 day(s) ago — 4.02.05



Dimensiunea fișierului

1.87 GB



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Informații despre fișier

4.07/5.0 — Bine!
Nu a fost descărcat încă
Descărcările de astăzi

Pe baza 36 evaluări
în dragoste


  • Actualizat la versiunea 4.02.05

  • Actualizat la versiunea 4.02.01

  • Actualizat la versiunea 4.01.39

  • Actualizat la versiunea 4.01.38

  • Actualizat la versiunea 4.01.37

  • Actualizat la versiunea 4.01.35

  • Initial File Release


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© Lubos Zibek (Zibo) - All rights reserved. Este interzisă orice reîncărcare sau redistribuire a acestui fișier fără acordul prealabil scris al autorului. Acest Flight Simulator 2020 Mod a fost creat de Lubos Zibek (Zibo) and shared in Aircraft » Airline Aviation pentru X-Plane 12.

171 Comentarii

100 times better than PMDG and its free 11/10

Thanks to the author of this aircraft! The best of all!!! P.S.

For those who cannot set up the autopilot, there is a video to help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1pnECcUr6w&t=252s

Version 4.01.34 & 4.01.35

- add option TO announce. Airside OFF/AUTO

What does this mean? But I wish they were better at telling us. What the heck changes for each release. Especially those of us who donate 😊

  1. если бы разработчик зибо делал бы телефоны они бы взрывались при включении

The above link for the Zibo mod Install Guide is not working. Is there an updated link?

Any news on the LevelUP 737NG release for XP12.



3 month(s) ago / Mulțumit de Skymatix

What a remarkable aircraft. Absolutely mind-blown with the detail. Completely blows all stock planes out of the water and may be one of the best addon planes out there right now, especially for free. This plane has made my workdays go by much slower. Thank you so much for this and all the continued hard work

I fly A320 FF but ty.



4 month(s) ago / Mulțumit de Skymatix

Thanks for the Linux support! It works extremely well and stably, the best model of the Boeing 737-800 is not only in the X-plane. In my opinion it is even better than PMDG

can i use this in xp11?

t/d and arrival airport on ND jumping, after u choosing STAR and arrival runway. pls fix


The autopilot has always disengaged continuously and for no reason it's very annoying- a 738 PMDG would never do that- set that please thank you


Downloaded latest version today, aircraft disappears when spawning. Please fix!



5 month(s) ago / Mulțumit de Skymatix

Mod muito bom, parabéns para todos os desenvolvedores!

Hi, Your Zibo file is for 4.01.5 and Zibo's Google drive has an update for 4_01_11.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Great site, thanks for hosting.



6 month(s) ago / Mulțumit de Skymatix

best aircraft freeware

Great aircraft as the Zibo is the best freeware for any sim. But, I noticed I cannot get the Simbrief OFP to load in this version. There wasn't even an option for Airside Services. I highly recommend this aircraft but it should probably be downloaded from the official Google Drive folder.

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-tdl3VvPeOOYm12Wm80V04wdDQ?resourcekey=0-60kqsHFGKCyHZh1AE37LIw&usp=drive_link



7 month(s) ago / Mulțumit de Skymatix

One of the best aircraft ever created on any flight simulation platform, and hands down the best freeware aircraft ever created for any flight simulation platform.

I focus on general aviation aircraft myself, but I still make a point to grab this aircraft anytime I'm installing the simulator, and fly this anytime I'm looking for a large airliner to fly.

Thank you so much for your work over the years, @Skymatix!

  1. The duct pressure is arse about face. It should be around 40 PSI with the packs OFF (on APU), and will drop if you switch on a pack. I've mentioned this on the "other" forum but nothing ever happened.
  2. The seams are visible from most angles (I use the Carribean Airlines livery) I don't think I can display an image here which will make it more clear. Edit: I found the gallery and uploaded an image in which you can clearly see the seams.
  3. When standing in front of the aircraft the taxi light does not show with some variants.

Otherwise very good work by Zibo but I can't buy him a coffee because I don't have paypal.

не работает anti skid runway inop

Aceste articole sunt în prezent pe listă și vor fi procesate în curând!
Sugestii, erori și idei pentru viitor.

  • Version 4.02.05 September 14, 2024

    Version 4.02.02 to 4.02.05
    - new engine model and updated flight model
    - improved touchdown particle effect
    - fixed ground idle fuel flow
    - updated flight model and engine model (still in progress...)

  • Version 4.02.01 August 31, 2024

    *** This is a FULL new version, DO NOT mix with the old version ***
    Version 4.02.01 Changelog
    - New Flight Model
    - Fix Particles

  • Version 4.01.39 August 22, 2024

    Version 4.01.39
    - retuned rain on windshield for latest XP12

  • Version 4.01.38 August 18, 2024

    Version 4.01.38
    - Updated Airside services and cabin lighting

  • Version 4.01.37 August 17, 2024

    Version 4.01.36 to 4.01.37
    - Fix bugs
    - improved AP
    - Updated Airside services - info about progress, hint...

  • Version 4.01.35 July 20, 2024

    Version 4.01.34 & 4.01.35
    - add option TO announce. Airside OFF/AUTO
    - improved flight model and engine model
    - fixed bugs (import xml,...)

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