
Ground Handling

2.83 STARS

1.6K+ Downloads

Simple Ground Equipment & Services - (low tech ground services)

Simple Ground Equipment & Services displays or hides static objects around your aircraft on the ground. We have a variety of ramp equipment (bus, GPU, ASU, cones, belt loader, ULD loaders, airstairs, fuel truck, deicing, fire truck...). Any aircraft is serviceable.


Simple Ground Equipment & Services displays or hides static objects around your aircraft on the ground:

We have a variety of ramp equipment (bus, GPU, ASU, cones, belt loader, ULD loaders, airstairs, fuel truck, deicing...), and an armed forces variant of the set, with green painted vehicles.
Active chocks that actually retain your aircraft.
Animated and moving passengers (thanks to the MrX assets).
A simplified marshaller to better aim at your parking stand, and a very simple pushback.
Aircraft arresting systems 🔗 (cable, net barrier or EMAS)
Any aircraft is serviceable. 🧘 Moreover a customization of the ground handling is already embedded for a lot of freeware aircraft and payware airliners.
Trigger a distant car accident site, shipwreck, or a burning fire 🔥, and fly the emergency response in your helicopter.
Use any custom ground vehicle 🚜 that you might already have in your X-Plane directories. For a quick start you have a preconfigured custom set of vehicles.
Easy installation ⚙️ (see the PDF manual). You can further customize stuff but you don't have to.
Not intrusive : keep full control 🛂 over the vehicles display, everything is commanded from our popup window. And we don't interact with your weight & balance.
Multi-platform, since we use FlyWithLua, it works on GNU/Linux.
For X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. The same script works in both simulators. Moreover all default airplanes within X-Plane 12.00b3 are supported.

Note : some users have reported a crash with the last versions 56 and 57 for X-Plane 12.00 beta. As X-Plane 12 is in beta at this time we yet to have to find why, or/and let things stabilize a little.

Ground Handling
Lansarea inițială
September 24, 2022
Ultima actualizare
2 year(s) ago — 58



Dimensiunea fișierului

137.75 MB



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2.83/5.0 — Media
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Descărcările de astăzi

Pe baza 3 evaluări
în dragoste


  • Actualizat la versiunea 58

  • Initial File Release


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© XPJavelin - All rights reserved. Este interzisă orice reîncărcare sau redistribuire a acestui fișier fără acordul prealabil scris al autorului. Acest Flight Simulator 2020 Mod a fost creat de XPJavelin and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Ground Handling pentru X-Plane 12.

6 Comentarii

put all .lua scripts into the scrips folder but where does the main folder go?

Biggest waste of time in human history. The "animated passengers" move like penguins for whatever reason and take 10 hours to board the plane, like seriously take some animation classes. Worse thing ive seen in a long time. This mod can otherwise be referred to as a "Laughable disaster" in an already bad platfrom. I think im gonna need therapy to forget about this atrocity

This is fun 😊 Thanks a lot. Testing it with XP12 Beta 4 currently.

Aceste articole sunt în prezent pe listă și vor fi procesate în curând!
Sugestii, erori și idei pentru viitor.

  • Version 58 September 26, 2022

    Version 58 (2022-09-26)

    Housekeeping : cleared unimportant errors reported in the log, cleaned log outputs.
    Adding XP12 jetways control by button when chocks are set, directly in SGES
    Checked compatibility with XP12 Zibo 738
    Added compatibility with Thranda Cessna U206
    Adjusted shipwreck generation (modification of the wet terrain check logic)
    Adjusted engine sound generation (sound loop logic added)
    SGES was causing a crash to desktop at X-Plane 12 startup, solved by the introduction of a start delay of 60 seconds, then the scripts loads up.
    The runway cache generation was causing a flywithlua crash, solved by locating the new X-Plane 12 global airport definition.
    The runway cache generation was not looking for all runways on the earth, as especially seen in XP12 due to the global airport definition format, solved by reworking our data filters.
    Reincorporated a marshaller object which was missing in the archive offered for download
    Backward compatibility tested with X-Plane 11 and flywithlua 2.7
    Tested in XP12 with flywithlua 2.8.

  • Lansat September 24, 2022

    Versiunea inițială a acestui fișier tocmai a fost lansată. Bine ați venit la bord!

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