United States

Intl. Airports

KBFL - Meadows Field Airport

Bakersfield, CA Features: ZL20 orthos Hand-placed cars in parking lot Hand-placed trees Accurate markings Functional jetways & Marshallers  Accurate taxi routes Installation: Put folder inside zip into custom scenery folder Libraries: ALES MisterX SAM ZDP License: Click on the permissions drop-down on the bottom right hand of the page above the downloads button, but in a nutshell, ask for...

Bakersfield, CA
  • ZL20 orthos
  • Hand-placed cars in parking lot
  • Hand-placed trees
  • Accurate markings
  • Functional jetways & Marshallers 
  • Accurate taxi routes

Put folder inside zip into custom scenery folder


Click on the permissions drop-down on the bottom right hand of the page above the downloads button, but in a nutshell, ask for permission before making modifications that aren’t meant for only personal use


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Intl. Airports
Lansarea inițială
March 12, 2023
Ultima actualizare
1 year(s) ago — 1.0



Dimensiunea fișierului

441.88 MB



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0/5.0 — Necunoscut
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Pe baza 0 evaluări
în dragoste


  • Initial File Release


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© Usimp - All rights reserved. Este interzisă orice reîncărcare sau redistribuire a acestui fișier fără acordul prealabil scris al autorului. Acest Flight Simulator 2020 Mod a fost creat de Usimp and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Intl. Airports pentru X-Plane 12.

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  • Lansat March 12, 2023

    Versiunea inițială a acestui fișier tocmai a fost lansată. Bine ați venit la bord!

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Google Maps Import

Parts of this content includes 3D data and textures copyrighted by « Google Map data ». Google Maps and Map data are provided by © Google, LLC, Mountain View, California, US. This free creation contains content from Google Maps or Google Earth, in accordance with Google Terms of Services and especially point 2.2 of Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service. This creation is based on « fair use » or « fair dealing » of the data provided by Google through its services. No commercial use or any gain will be made by the author of this creation or the original host site, who use Google assets as provided for by the simple user licence. The author is freely sharing a creative application of Google Maps or Google Earth. The author will not receive any form of remuneration for sharing this work. Spontaneous general donations from users of file hosting web services under the form of « rewards » or « tips » will be rejected. If this content is found elsewhere and is offered in exchange of money or any other kind of remuneration, it is without the permission of the author and if such theft of intellectual property occurs, this site, and the author will disavow such distribution. Google has stated that it cannot answer to any direct demand about a particular creative use of its properties, as it stated in the « written permission » paragraph of the same document, and all such demands should in the first instance be directed to the author of this work. The author’s verification of compliance with Google’s Terms of Services will rest on this statement of intent, and the use of the provision of the « Fair use » paragraph of the document. As it is economically unreasonable for the casual creator of this content to ask for a costly legal analysis of its creation like proposed in the « Fair use » paragraph of the document, the author of this creation and the owners of this site undertake to destroy any trace of the work on first demand from Google, in accordance with the paragraph « Taking action in case of problems » of the Google Terms of Service about « advance notice » provided « when reasonably possible ».