
Aircraft Additions

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X-Works A330-200 mod For Laminar A330-300

I am proud to bring to you the X-Works A330-200 mod for the X-Plane 12 A330!  This mod contains: Shortened fuselage to match the length of the real a330-200 a330-200F and P2F version are included in this mod.   Installation: Duplicate the Default A330-300 folder Drag and drop the mod...


I am proud to bring to you the X-Works A330-200 mod for the X-Plane 12 A330! 

This mod contains:

Shortened fuselage to match the length of the real a330-200

a330-200F and P2F version are included in this mod.


Duplicate the Default A330-300 folder

Drag and drop the mod into the copied folder, overwriting when prompted



Get liveries for this mod in the X-Works discord: https://discord.gg/EHZsFwznJM

Lansarea inițială
January 26, 2023
Ultima actualizare
1 year(s) ago — 1.1



Dimensiunea fișierului

239.71 MB



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4.17/5.0 — Bine!
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Pe baza 6 evaluări
în dragoste


  • Actualizat la versiunea 1.1

  • Initial File Release



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© RWY_Paints, Mathster, Greyfox - All rights reserved. Este interzisă orice reîncărcare sau redistribuire a acestui fișier fără acordul prealabil scris al autorului. Acest Flight Simulator 2020 Mod a fost creat de RWY_Paints, Mathster, Greyfox and shared in Aircraft » Aircraft Additions pentru X-Plane 12.

26 Comentarii

where can we get the other engine options?

I’m having issues with all variants of this aircraft not having any wings when I load it into X-Plane, has anyone else had this and know how to fix it? Also not getting any sound and tried the fix mentioned by another commenter

How you can turn the MCDU on? I get ground power and everything on and no MCDU power?

I downloaded the file and it came as an rar document. What do I do with it to get the Addons working? Thank you for the work you made!

As others already have found.... Flaps/Slats dont work with tha latest LR A330 Version and Climb thrust leads to a CTD "PID controller integral" error. It is such a great Mod, please update it 😊

when I set throttle to climb crashes with an error pid controller integral is nan.

It seems the flaps are jammed. Slats not in T.O config... increase the power "PID controller integral is NaN!" error.

Hi,When trying to download it downloads a .rar doc, not a file. Why is that?


Page says v1.1, but it appears to be v1.0 when installed. Did I miss the correct link?

Hey! The mod is cool, but why don't the wipers work?

why did you shorten the fuselage after 2nd set of doors not the 1st set of doors

Could you add GE,PW Engine's.

To whoever is having problems with the sounds on the P2F/F version of the mod:

Browse to the fmod in your A332 folder, duplicate the A330.snd TWICE and rename it as A332F.snd and A332P2F.snd.

Btw the mod is awesome, but need some modification on the tail because they are different in A330-200 from those in the 300s.

AMAZING WORK waiting for a330 corsair livery <3

Thank you so much guys! I always wanted a freeware cargo version and it's out sooner than I thought, this is a good gift to X-Plane community! Can't wait Laminar to publish Airbus MCDU and use it on this mod, I'm happy 😊

Aceste articole sunt în prezent pe listă și vor fi procesate în curând!
Sugestii, erori și idei pentru viitor.

  • Version 1.1 January 28, 2023

    Fmod folder has been added to the mod folder.
    P2F acf has been updated so the windows are plugged

  • Lansat January 26, 2023

    Versiunea inițială a acestui fișier tocmai a fost lansată. Bine ați venit la bord!

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